This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 612789
DATE: 19 October 2015, 14:00 - 17:30 (networking session of EC projects from 9:00 to 12:30)
LOCATION: Nowotny Auditorium, Covent Garden building of the European Research Council, 16 Place Rogier, Brussels
The scope of the seminar was to discuss how the RICHES project (Renewal, Innovation and Change: Heritage and European Society) can provide insights to support evidence-based policymaking in Europe.
The seminar comprised political updates by representatives from the European Parliament and the European Commission, the presentation of policy recommendations from the RICHES project and a Round Table discussion involving major stakeholders.
In this light, the programme of the seminar offered to participants the opportunity to challenge institutional points of view with some practical results of the research conducted by RICHES, with particular regard to the following themes:
The need to develop and to use a common taxonomy,
Innovation in copyright frameworks and open access to data and information,
Co-creation practices that offer the cultural heritage sector innovative approaches to breaking down barriers.
A large space in the programme was devoted to engaging the audience in dialogue and debate.
The event was preceded in the morning by a Networking Session where participants in EC-funded projects discussed aims and achievements in the light of establishing new, profitable collaborations and synergies.
Download the report of the Policy Seminar and Networking Session: short version (PDF, 375 Kb), full version (PDF, 4.45 Mb)
Here below are the presentations that have been delivered at the Seminar.
Programme of the Policy Seminar: download PDF
Speakers and panellists: view here
S. Costa, European Parliament resolution of 8 September 2015. Towards an integrated approach to cultural heritage for Europe: download speech
F. Milani, ICT research and innovative processes to unlock the potential of digital culture and creative industries: download presentation
A. Fresa, N. Forbes, A. Serra, D. Van Dijk, C. Waelde, Contributions from the RICHES project: Introduction to the project's aim and its research priorities, Towards a common shared Taxonomy, Co-creation. Bridging the gap between cultural heritage and the young people, Digital Copyright Framework. The move from analogue to digital and new forms of IPR: download full presentation
J. Nymand-Christensen, Is there a future for heritage in the European Union?: download speech
Policy Briefs published by the RICHES project: view here
For more information about the Networking Session for EC projects please visit this page.
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