This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 612789


DATE: 14-15 April 2016

LOCATION: Volkshotel, Wibautstraat 150, 1091 GR Amsterdam, The Netherlands




Borders blur. Disciplines merge. Barriers come down. How do we (re)present ourselves, our public, our archives, our countries and our institutes? The 21st century is a time of repositioning, and there is a key role to play for heritage.

The Volkshotel and the Waag opened their doors to the public for the RICHES Identity Matters event, a two-day conference about change and the future of heritage. We had a full house!


The Identity Matters conference was about change. About renewal and innovation. About trying to understand the way in which we construct our lives and our identities throughout cultural artefacts, media and heritage. Although we might feel we are going through difficult times as a society, we took an optimistic stance.

We gave the floor to initiatives that aim to make a difference, to speakers that can empower us to looks at our lives and work. But it wasn’t only talking and listening. We also explored the city through urban safaris and visited different local initiatives to bring new insights into current practices.

Professionals, experts and policy makers from the fields of heritage, museums and technology met together for a two-day programme to explore collaboratively future visions of heritage. Against the backdrop of Europe's changing society we challenged our perspectives, policies and case studies. We questioned our own identities and wonder how we can help others to explore theirs.

Exciting keynote speakers reflected on our central questions. How can we enrich heritage and heritage practices to meet the challenges of a new era? How can heritage professionals create meaning for young people? For newcomers? How can technology help us?

Presentations, demonstrations and workshops have been organised around themes such as connecting, self expression, participation, power, skills and crafts, food and festivities and citizenship.


Download here the detailed programme booklet.

Photo’s of the conference can be found here.

For further information please contact us at


To all the many visitors: thank you for coming! We hope the speakers, initiatives, museums and participants inspired you.



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