This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 612789
DATE: 4-5 December 2014
LOCATION: Pisa, Museum of Graphics – Palazzo Lanfranchi
The conference is organised by Promoter Srl, RICHES’ Italian Partner as well as Communication & Dissemination Manager of the project.
RICHES main objective is to challenge the “democratic deficit” that in Europe still exists between producers/curators of CH and consumers/users of CH and to explore ways of breaking down distinctions between the “making” and “using” of heritage.
The topic of Pisa’s International Conference is perfectly inserted in this framework; the conference title, “Cultural Heritage: recalibrating relationships”, talks exactly about that: about decentring culture and cultural heritage away from institutional structures towards the individual, so recalibrating the relationship between CH keepers and CH users.
For more information visit the Conference website.
Official Media Partner: Digital Meets Culture.
Designed and powered by: Promoter SRL.