This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 612789


RICHES is managed by its Consortium, which is the sum of all the partners involved in the execution of the project.

The Consortium is the body responsible for carrying out the project as defined in the contract with the European Commission. It is led by the coordinating beneficiary, Coventry University, which is represented by the Project Manager.

The project management aims to:

ensure effective planning, implementation, coordination and achievement of the project activities, including timely production of deliverables and successful completion of the tasks;

provide project structure and support to assist decision-making, internal and external communications, encourage greater accountability and control, minimise risk, identify, address and exploit project related opportunities.

Its main tasks are:

project monitoring;

quality management;

communication among the partners;

meetings organisation;

reporting to the EC.

The project management requirements  are supported by the Communication Manager, Promoter Srl, who will spread awareness of the activities and outcomes of the project, in order to maximise its impact.  The Communication Manager’s main tasks are:

web presence: publishing the RICHES web-site;

dissemination plan: giving the dissemination activities a clear baseline against which to measure progress and help to ensure that these activities are focused and effective. The dissemination plan will be periodically updated on the basis of the project progress;

production of dissemination material (brochures, flyers, factsheets, posters etc.);

workshops and conferences: organisation of 2 International conferences (one in Pisa, Italy, and one in Coventry, UK), 3 workshops (Barcelona, Ankara, Berlin), 3 co-creation sessions (the Netherlands), 2 policy seminars (Brussels);

networking and concertation: enlarging the RICHES network by establishing and maintaining contacts with experts and researchers of the relevant fields, coming from outside the project partnership; seeking synergies and cooperation with other projects.


Neil Forbes (Coventry University), Project Coordinator,

Tim Hammerton (Coventry University), Project Manager,

Antonella Fresa (Promoter Srl), Communication Manager,

Valentina Bachi (Promoter Srl), Project Assistant,


Official Media Partner: Digital Meets Culture.

Designed and powered by: Promoter SRL.